Bringing help and hope to families emerging from homelessness.

Since 2006, Becky Dunn has assisted recently homeless families in their transition to self-sufficiency. It began at a local homeless family shelter in Pensacola. She has led a weekly devotional there for over ten years. She soon learned that many families would leave the shelter only to find themselves at high risk of becoming homeless again. How does this happen?

The essentials that most families take for granted are just out of reach for those on the edge of homelessness.

These are common stories:  One of the parents may have found a job; but, not yet be able to afford the required shoes, uniform, or tools. The children may lack adequate clothes or supplies or fees for school. Transportation and housing issues are common.  Even a  “free” car donated to a family can take six hundred dollars to get on the road. Common essentials, like toilet paper and soap cannot be bought with food stamps.  Surprisingly, it’s also common for families to loose their food stamp allowance due to clerical errors that can take months to correct. 

Without further assistance, they often become homeless again. Without learning basic financial principles, mistakes are repeated. Without encouragement, Godly advice, and loving accountability, they struggle to become self-sufficient.

“We are dedicated to helping recently homeless families with our time, our talents, our vehicles and our wallets. But, most of all, with our caring hearts and open arms.”

— Becky Dunn


Our Mission

Transition to Freedom exists to minister to recently homeless families and those at risk of becoming homeless. Our goal is to assist in their transition to self-sufficiency. 


Transition to Freedom, Inc. is a nonprofit organization registered in the State of Florida and Eligible to Receive Tax-Deductible Charitable Contributions as an IRS 501(c) Public Charity.

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